Resources for Health & Resiliency:

Greetings! I have been developing a list of nutritional, herbal, and wellness recommendations since I began my holistic health and herbalist practice in 2008. These strategies have helped my clients ease symptoms, reduce toxic multi-system overload, and bring renewed energy.In this blog post, I will share some of these recommendations with you.

I have made this list public with the intention of making reliable holistic health recomendations accessible to as many people as possible. I do not receive anything from these companies whose products are mentioned. By incorporating these strategies into your daily routine, you can support your overall health and wellbeing. I hope you find them helpful!

The content is broken down into categories for easy navigation. You don’t need to do everything listed here. Consider integrating one or two recommendations at a time. What is calling your attention? These steps aren’t hard. They just may be different!

For a more personalized plan with custom herbal formulas, you can schedule an initial 15 minute complimentary phone call with me to see if I’m a good fit for your health needs.

~ Deia Pauline, Clinical and Energetic Herbalist, RH, AHG. (Registered Herbalist with The American Herbalist Guild)


  • COVID19, Herbal Medicine & Wellness Tips

  • Water Is Life  

  • Salt = Electrolytes   

  • Healthy Fats = Essential Fatty Acids (EFA’s) - Essential to your 

  • Gut Health Has Never Been As Important As It is Right Now

  • Staple Herbal Remedies

Core Supplements

  • Nutrition & Your Kitchen

  • Quality Sleep

  • Breathwork & Meditation

  • Exercise + Move Your Lymph

  • Biohacking

  • Recommended Podcasts

  • Herbal Books and Websites

  • Excellent Resources for Detoxing from Toxic Mold Exposure

  • Disclaimer

  • Permissions

Herbal Medicine & Wellness Tips While COVID is still happening:

Widely Available & Easy-To-Use Herbal & Wellness Tips for Boosting Our Immunity, Circulatory & Respiratory Systems. Composed from numerous herbal classes in response to COVID-19 as well as books, health podcasts and herbal clinic experience. Credit is given throughout and I’ve listed a comprehensive resource list of links for a deeper dive. Here’s to our health and vitality! Click here for COVID19 herbal & wellness tips.

Water Is Life:

  • Hydration is crucial for our bodies to function and as we get older our tissues tend to dry out. Most of us are dehydrated and we don’t even know it. The most common advice is to drink at least 8 glasses in small increments throughout the day as our bodies can only absorb it at a slow rate. Simply honor your thirst, drink a glass each time after you urinate and especially after drinking coffee or alcohol. Conversely drinking too much water (happens rarely but is possible) can disrupt your electrolytes.

  • If possible, filter your water because unfortunately our water sources are increasingly contaminated in many ways. See this Ultimate Guide To Water by Luke Storey who has done a lot of research into clean water sources. For a less expensive but great option I recommend the Berkey Water Filter.

  • Avoid plastic water bottles because the plastic has endocrine disruptors and wreaks havoc in our bodies and the Earth. This includes avoiding food in plastic.

  • “Cold showers are cryotherapy 101. This may sound excruciating, but the benefits are worth it. Cold exposure decreases inflammation, speeds up recovery, and can help you burn fat and sleep better.” ~ Bulletproof, 31 Habits to Up Your Life.

  • It’s not about chugging water. Choose hydrating foods, healthy oils and fats, include electrolytes, and sip on water throughout each day.

    Salt = Electrolytes:

  • Electrolytes are salts that become charged molecules, called ions, when they are dissolved in a liquid. Electrolytes maintain the electric voltage throughout your cells so that signals can pass easily. Several bodily functions are dependent on this electrical communication that electrolytes help carry.

  • Having the right amount of healthy salt in your body is essential. Healthy salt will help to keep you hydrated. Healthy salts include sodium, potassium, chloride, bicarbonate, calcium, sulfate, magnesium, and phosphate. Healthy salts combat stress, slow skin aging, calm the nervous system, increase circulation, ease muscle stiffness, help balance lymphatic fluid, and assist immune system function. Table salt is stripped of these minerals. Your body needs more when you’re stressed because salt is an important part of your adrenal (flight and flight) response. An imbalance of electrolytes can cause major imbalances in the body. 

  • Sodium and blood pressure: A lot of people have high blood pressure not because they have too much sodium but because they don’t have enough potassium or magnesium. People who have low sodium levels can have a serious problem dealing with stress. Lowering your sodium to the official recommended dietary guidelines actually increases your heart attack risk because low sodium increases renin, which can increase your cardiac risk dramatically. *Source: Dave Asprey, interview on Bulletproof Radio with American Hypertension Society. Also see Shawn Stevenson, Model Health Show and author of Eat Smarter.

  • Try LMNT electrolytes packets without the sugar!

  • Type of Salt: Throw out your table salt! Healthy salts include the name of the body of water or place where it comes from (e.g., just ‘Sea Salt’ won’t cut it).I prefer Celtic or Grey Atlantic salt. It looks sticky and wet in the container and is the most hydrating of the salts for kidneys and our tissues - especially when placed in water and drank. The grey color denotes richness in magnesium. Himalayan pink salt is good as well but it is a bit warming, good to know if you already run hot and flushed. It’s mined from half-way around the world too.

  • Dosage: Take 1/4 tsp in your water right when you wake up. This is when your body uses salt the most efficiently. Individual needs vary based on a person’s genetic makeup and lifestyle.

  • Pro tip: carry your own salt with you wherever you go.

    Essential Fatty Acids (EFA’s) = Healthy Fats:

  • Essential because our bodies need them. Fats have a bad reputation due to faulty research (and the sugar industries fear propaganda) however the right types of fats play a premiere role in every aspect of our lives - from our decision making processes, our risk for diseases like cancer, ability to lose weight, and even the rate at which we age. Newly pressed extra-virgin olive oil actually shares pharmacological properties with the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug ibuprofen. (However Dr. Lani Simspon in Dr. Lani’s No-Nonsense Bone Health Guide wrote that chronic use of ibuprofen damages stomach lining, making it susceptible to injury, even from normal HCI levels.) Healthy fats are excellent energy resources. Healthy fats can optimize not only our cognitive performance, executive function, mood, and long-term brain health, also our overall health. (Excerpts from ‘Genius Foods’, Max Lugavere). Some vitamins are fat soluble meaning that they need fat in order to be absorbed in the body. Eating the right kinds of healthy fats help maintain and balance hormone levels and even result in weight loss.(Asprey, Bulletproof Diet).

  • Healthy EFA’s are mostly cold pressed: olive, Udo’s blend, or hemp oil which it’s cooling, (good if you tend to run warm and flushed). Do not cook these oils (though olive on lower heat is fine according to newer research by author Max Lugavere, Genius Foods). Beware of fake olive oils that look and smell. If you’re unsure go local, talk to your local olive grower at the farmers market or choose Greek over Italian. There’s lots of info on the internet about this.

  • ‘Grass-fed, grass-finished’ butter or ghee are also great sources of fat - and great to blend a tablespoon or two in your morning coffee with MCT oil!

  • Virgin Coconut oil, although a saturated fat, is still healthy in moderation. It can be used for higher heat and is excellent for skin care, is anti-fungal, sun blocking.  

  • MCT Coconut Oil (not the same as regular coconut oil). “MCT” stands for “medium-chain triglycerides.” MCTs contain fatty acids that naturally occur in coconut oil, palm oil (Although boycott palm oil because it’s killing the orangutans and rainforest. It’s also not healthy for you. Palm oil contains palmitic acid which escorts toxins from the gut into the body, into the brain, and gives you brain fog. Source: Dave Asprey) goat milk, and breast milk. Your body turns MCTs into molecules called ketones, which help burn fat, curb cravings, power your brain and provide incredible energy. Studies are showing that cognitive function in patients with mild Alzheimer's disease has improved with MCT oil and a keto diet. (Max Lugavere). MCT is great in your morning cuppa coffee, teas, smoothies, and salad dressings. There’s also XTC oil - another great source with new info coming out about it.

  • High quality fish/krill oils. Fermented Cod Liver Oil is one of the most nutrient-dense substances. Green Pasture ferments theirs. Fish oils are excellent for your brain health.

  • Unhealthy fats: Vegetable, seed and bean oils (soybean, corn, safflower, canola). Dr. Mark Hyman, MD.

    • Background: Monsanto developed Roundup-Ready canola (Brassica napus) plants that were bio-engineered to tolerate to glyphosate, the active ingredient in its weedkiller, also patented as an antibiotic(!). Most commercially available canola oil is extracted through a process called hexane solvent extraction, heated then bleached. Multiple health risks, bad for the brain, cellulite and more are linked to this oil even in small amounts. It is often found in salad dressings.

    • Pro tip: make your own salad dressing and bring it with you in case you eat out. In with the good fats out with the bad.

  • Dosage and storage: Use 2-5 tablespoons of the cold oils daily on your salads, soups, in your smoothies, and on other dishes right before you’re about to eat them. For optimal benefits take daily for 3 months consistently to feel a difference. Familiarize yourself with their smell and taste as fats can go rancid fast, especially flax, even when stored in the fridge. DO NOT store your oils (or spices for that matter) above your stove where heat rises causing them to go rancid, ewwww! Keep in a cool dark place.

    Gut Health Has Never Been As Important As It is Right Now

  • There is a direct connection between your gut microbiome and the strength of your immune system. Science is catching up to many longstanding healing traditions in knowing that our gut is the seat of our health. Disease can begin and end in the gut. Our gut is the place where we’re actually interacting with the things we choose to eat. It’s a place of vulnerability and for that reason it becomes imperative that we take care of and nurture our healthy gut microbiome. Your brain’s best friend is your gut. If you have an unhealthy gut it is going to affect your brain. If you have a healthy gut you have a brain that is being optimized.

  • IMPROVE GUT HEALTH: Many cancers often originate in your gut according to functional medicine which looks at root causes. (Dr Mark Hyman, The Doctor’s Farmacy). Beyond avoiding inflammatory foods, adding in probiotics, prebiotics, and lots of phytonutrients, like curcumin (found in turmeric) and resveratrol (found in grapes), can reduce gut-based inflammation.


    • An excellent podcast on Probiotics and Healing Your Gut Microbiome with makers of the probiotic Just Thrive.(You may want to skip past the ads at the beginning, although those are informative too). If you have a hard time accessing it on the link I supplied then visit The LifeStylist episode #224 on itunes or youtube. Topics Discussed:

      • Your gut is ground zero for your health

      • What’s the deal with leaky gut?

      • 80% of the adult population has a leaky gut and doesn’t know it

      • The confusing world of probiotics

      • How gut health is related to alzheimer’s

      • The difference between traditional probiotics and Just Thrive’s

      • A first-of-its-kind leaky gut study

      • The disaster that is RoundUp

      • What’s better: more strains of bacteria or fewer strains of bacteria in a probiotic?

      • The value of fermented foods – and a common misconception

      • Lab fermentation Vs. biofermentation

      • How to start taking a new probiotic

      • Discount code for 15% off.

    • PROBIOTIC ‘Just Thrive’ podcast: Armor-Plated Immortal Probiotics From Space - JUST THRIVE HEALTH – Bulletproof Radio biohacking for health. Episode #629

    • P3OM PROBIOTIC for your gut health: I learned about P3OM which uses a patented natural process to upgrade a well-researched probiotic strain. This strain is proteolytic which means it digests protein. It’s also antiviral, antiretroviral and it eliminates pathogens and waste and it’s maintainable in a human digestive system. 

  • New Frontiers in Microbiome Research with Aviva Romm, Natural MD Radio with guest Dr. Petrosino, Professor and the Interim Chairman of the Department of Molecular Virology and Microbiology at Baylor College of Medicine where he’s also the Director of the Alkek Center for Metagenomics and Microbiome Research.

  • DIGESTIVE ENZYMES are the workhorses of your digestion and are part of making every cell in your body work better. If you’re over 35 your enzyme levels start to decline and by the time you’re 65 your saliva and pancreatic secretions can be down by 50%. That leaves chronic indigestion, causing further gut issues, yeast and mold overgrowth and even sometimes malnutrition. Recommended: masszymes. (See the podcasts below for super amazing info about proteolytic enzymes.)


  • DIGESTIVE HERBAL BITTERS: WE ARENT WHAT WE EAT, WE ARE WHAT WE CAN ABSORB. Are you fully digesting your food and pooping each day? A few drops of herbal bitters on your tongue or in water before each meal is to get your hydrochloric acid and other important digestive juices flowing. We often need the extra help to digest, especially after around the age 30. Bitters formulas stimulate the process of digestion, absorption and elimination by increasing production of gastric hydrochloric acid, liver, pancreatic and small intestine digestive enzymes and fluids. By stimulating bile production bitters also enhance fat metabolism and acts as a natural aperient/laxative. Indications include achlorhydria, malabsorption, chronic gas, belching, indigestion, and gall bladder congestion. Bitters are also a useful adjunct for any protocol addressing food allergy or toxemia caused by dysbiosis or leaky gut syndrome. Many chronic conditions such as arthritis, autoimmune disorders, skin conditions, etc may benefit from normalizing digestive and liver health. (Source: David Winston, Herbal Therapeutics) Since most bitters are cooling, look for blends that have warming carminative herbs for a balanced formula or talk to me for one!

Core Herbal Remedies:

  • Here are a few herbs that I recommend often.

  • Digestive Bitters: See above ^^

  • The benefits of Turmeric and how to make an anti-Inflammatory ‘Golden Milk’ by Andrew Weil. Just make sure that your turmeric drink or capsules has black pepper which enhances absorption. Use organic raw honey (and make sure it’s real as there are fake honeys on the market like the stuff in the plastic bear bottles). According to Ayurveda, do not cook black pepper or honey, as the high temps turn it carcinogenic.

  • Nervines - In todays’ times we probably all could benefit from herbs to nourish our nervous systems. In tea form or extracts: chamomile, milky oats, skullcap, lemon balm, motherwort, hawthorn, passionflower, linden, california poppy and others.

  • Nootropic herbs for brain health: If you’re using a lot of brain power, think about herbs that enhance memory or other cognitive functions. Rosemary, Gotu-Kola, Lions Mane, and Holy Basil are fabulous nootropics. Ask me about my Nootropic Brain Tonic. For optimum brain health, pair nootropics with other supportive herbs like nervines and adaptogens, healthy fats, good sleep hygiene, neurofeedback, and exercise.


  • Because they can be costly I’m not the biggest fan of supplements however due to the bombardment of contaminants in water, soil, air, and even in our own homes, plus soil and nutrient depletion, some supplements are very helpful. Here are just a few. I appreciate the information about supplements on this page: ‘The Top Ten Supplements That Everyone Should Take’.

  • MAGNESIUM CANNOT BE OVERSTATED!: The average person is deficient in magnesium. It is extremely important for many things including blood sugar regulation, impaired sleep quality, restless leg syndrome (& assuming that you’ve ruled out that it might be an iron deficiency), tardive dyskinesia (a disorder resulting in involuntary, repetitive body movements), chronic constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, temporomandibular joint pain, bruxism (grinding your teeth at night), chronic back spasms, muscle spasms, bladder spasms, rectal spasms, ovarian neuralgia, heart attacks, and any time where you have spasticity of muscle, where you have chronic muscle stiffness and tension.  

    Long time respected herbalist, author, ethnobotanist, and president of the American Herbalist Guild, David Winston, uses magnesium extensively in his clinical practice and claims that he has not ever seen anything that works like magnesium. Chances of you getting enough magnesium from your diet is slim. It is hard to absorb and in addition most people don’t eat enough of these foods or quantity of these foods to get enough magnesium. If you have significant digestive issues you’re probably not going to digest your magnesium. 

  • Magnesium Breakthrough by Bio-Optimizers (1 Brand I like).

  • Liquid form: David Winston claims that the best magnesium is liquid. The liquid tastes like drinking metal and is not pleasant but it works SO well. It is not expensive. The name of the company is Cardiovascular Research. Get an 8 oz bottle. Dosage

    • Take 1 tablespoons of the liquid magnesium in a liter bottle of water (or cranberry juice or whatever) and sip throughout the day. Do that for four days.

    • After four days you go up to a tablespoon and a half for another four days.

    • After four days up your dose another 1/2 tablespoon to 2 tablespoons

    • Then every four days you go up 1/2 tablespoon

    • Somewhere around 2 1/2 to 3 tablespoons you will develop diarrhea. At that point you cut back by a tablespoon. (So if you’re up to 3 1/2 you cut it back to 2 1/2. If you’re at 2 1/2 you cut it back to 1 1/2, etc) and that’s your level.

    • Do this every day and after about two weeks until you get diarrhea again. When this happens you reach tissue saturation.

    • At that point you cut back another 1/2 tablespoon

    • For most people their daily dose ends up being about 1 - 1 1/2 tablespoon in water. 

  • Many are familiar with the powdered magnesium called CALM. If you take enough of it, may work but know that it was bought out by a megacorporation.


  • Leafy greens and other veggies for nutrients and fiber: 60% Veggies, 40% meat or some grains - or better yet, 80%/20% on your plate.

  • Eating organic can rack up the $$$ so be sure to know your ‘Clean 15 and Dirty Dozen’ Fruits and Veggies by The Environmental Working Group to avoid eating pesticide sponges! They have an app for our convenience.

  • Find healthy seafood picks! Environmental Working Group’s consumer guide to seafood, including a seafood calculator and app.

  • What The Heck Should I Eat' - 2020 book by Dr. Mark Hyman.

  • A comprehensive guide to surviving the modern supermarket by Max Lugavere: Food or food-like products that are stripped of nutrients, they promote overconsumption, and drive inflammation. Inflammation is at the core of most dis-ease. Systemic inflammation can correlate with aches and pains, asthma, significantly larger waistline, brain disease, brain fog, depression, and more. Eat living (non-processed) foods that are the color of the rainbow!

  • Want a kitchen makeover for an anti-inflammatory diet? Crazy Sexy Kitchen by Kris Carr offers a baseline (as no two bodies are alike and our needs vary). She’s vegan, however listen to what your body needs. Let me come to your home for a kitchen cabinet re-do!

  • Avoid factory-farmed meats and dairy, full of antibiotics, disease and suffering, as well as clearcutting the rainforests.

  • Bone broth: An excellent link about bone broth that includes recipes as well as links for where to buy it: 

  • Should You Drink Coffee? by Kris Carr.

  • The benefits of clean coffee, MCT oil, butter and collagen + the ‘Bulletproof Coffee’ recipe.

    QUALITY SLEEP is essential to our health and wellbeing.

  • The quality of your sleep, determined by how fast you fall asleep and how much time you spend in REM and delta (deep, restorative sleep) is much more important than the quantity. Use of artificial lighting and electronics at night are contributing to lack of and quality sleep. When it gets dark our pineal gland secretes the hormone melatonin which tells our bodies to to sleep but the electronics emit a blue wavelength light tricking our brains that it’s daytime.

  • Are you looking at screens at night, sleeping near them, or using your phone as your alarm clock? Not only is the blue light messing with your health and well-being, the Electromagnetic Frequencies (EMF’s) may also be wreaking havoc on your sleep and overall health and wellbeing. Create better habits and boundaries with electronics at night. Biohackers with labs are able to show these impacts and can measure the quality of your sleep with wearables. Here are a few blogs and podcasts on the subject:

    Breathwork and meditation for wellbeing and peace.

  • Breathwork can have profoundly calming effects immediately. Exhaling longer than inhaling can access your vagus nerve to reduce the fight-flight-or-freeze stress and improve decision-making. You can do this by taking two minutes (right now!) to do 10 rounds of breathing: 4 seconds inhaling, hold for a couple of seconds, 8 seconds exhaling. 

  • There are numerous breathing exercises and meditations but here are two simply as a re-minder as overall holistic program for health and wellness.

  • Ultimate Breathwork Guide, Ben Greenfields Fitness.

  • Wim Hoff Breathwork Tutorial.

  • Jack Kornfield meditations


  • There is ample information about the health benefits of exercise. Find something that works for you and MOVE. Weightbearing exercises especially important to build muscle as we age.

  • How to Jumpstart Your Brain & Day - My Morning Routine, by Kwik Brain. I have this list on my fridge for my daily morning re-minder.

  • 10 Morning Habits Geniuses Use to Jumpstart Their Brain by Jim Kwik

  • Move Your Lymph to Boost your Immunity & Increase Your Flow: Our lymphatic system is a central part to our immune system. It is our body’s watershed and we want these rivers to keep flowing. The lymph can be assisted in its movement with tools and techniques:

    • Dry brushing: Daily. Get your lymph & blood flow/circulation going! From the dhyana Center: “Begin at the feet using brisk, upward, invigorating motions towards heart. Turn the skin pink - then move on - blood flow is building. Also brush the arms toward the heart and make sure to get in the soft of the arm and armpits. After dry brushing either take a shower or just apply body oil following the path of the lymph, rubbing the oil into the skin. Start at your feet and brush in sections towards your heart. When your skin turns red move on to the next section.” 

    • Gua-sha daily. It’s a tool and an action. From The dhyana Center, an Ayurveda school and bathhouse: “The gua sha is a flat piece of wood or jade that is used to move the lymphatic system, break down scar tissue, and tenderize muscles. Use the edge of the guan ha vigorously rubbing along the skin moving feet to heart and hands to heart. The gua sha can be used with water in the shower, steam room or tub. It’s best with a body oil to drive nutrient into the tissues. The guan ha can be used over clothes also. This technique can create bruising from the toxins releasing in the tissues. With time the bruising will stop happening, since the toxins will be released and tissues get tonified. Once you pick one up and use it, you won’t want to put it down!” I do it while watching a movie.


  • What is biohacking anyways? Another way of saying it is optimizing your life. Biohacking is more than eating healthy food and power smoothies. It’s the art and science of changing the environment around you and within you so that you have more control over your own biology. Biohacking is really a lifestyle that requires some curiosity, some commitment, and the desire to improve how you show up in the world. In Europe there is a growing movement and ‘Life Optimization Summits’ and in the U.S an ever growing biohacker movement and conferences, in addition there are Upgrade Labs, data-backed science with remarkable results. For interesting data-backed science and spiritual facts, check out the Bulletproof Radio podcast as a starting point.

  • Control your own biology with a whole variety of at-home tests ranging from food sensitivity to metabolism even to an advance thyroid panel (your thyroid is the energy metabolism controller for your entire body. The tests are private, simple and they all go through certified labs., choose the test you want, are private, and they get shipped to your doorstep. It is just a prick on your finger. You get your results in about five days in their online panel. This can track your diet, exercise, and inflammation.

  • Get your gut micro biome tested! the only company that can identify and quantify living organisms in your gut in order to analyze what those bugs are producing and provide you with a personalized meal plan, nutrition and even fitness recommendations. If your gut microbiome is not working you might not be able to process foods like spinach, beets and almonds for instance. These foods might be healthy but not if your gut isn’t able to digest the amount of protein you’re eating. Also some of the healthy antioxidants or supplements may not be benefiting you. Knowing what’s going on in your gut can affect so many aspects of your health: weight loss, improved sleep, mental clarity, digestive issues, improves your skin, and if your gut is working can lift your mood. 

    • Disclaimer: Food sensitivity testing may not always be accurate and can scare people off of food. There are other sources for doing your own testing that are less pricey but this is the one that I heard about which came recommended.


  • A few of my favorites: Natural MD Radio with Herbalist, Midwife, Dr. Aviva Romm; The Herbal Highway on (free herbal education!); The Doctor’s Farmacy with Mark Hyman; Kwik Brain with Jim Kwik; Bulletproof Radio by Dave Asprey; The Lifestylist by Luke Storey; Ancient Wisdom Today - esoteric, amazingness!; Medicine Stories, and The Broken Brain.

    • (Personal disclaimer: there’s a fair amount of privilege especially in the biohacker world with the cost of cutting edge holistic technologies and treatments. There is however a movement to bring the costs down.)I hesitated sharing but I have found so much solid science and traditional-wisdom-backed info.)

    • Speed Healing Pain & Injuries With Pulse Centers Pulsed ElectroMagnetic Field Podcast #212 The Life Stylist

    • Next level data on Vitamins, supplements, detoxification, chelation therapy, and more. LifeStylist Podcast.

      • Most people know by now that our environment, water, and food supply is chock full of toxins, and that our bodies accumulate these toxins over time, and this eventually leads to chronic disease and even early death.

        But what is the most effective way to both detox our bodies, and provide them with the much-needed nutrients missing from much of our modern, industrialized food system? Dr. Chris Shade is constantly striving to evolve the way the medical industry delivers care, and he is perpetually broadening the way the world understands health. Shade is the creator of Quicksilver Scientific, an organization on a mission to combine nature’s nutrients with the power of science to deliver the most effective supplements and detoxification protocols on the market. It’s way more than just “eat cilantro for heavy metal detoxification”….

      • From Super Sick To Superman: Optimize Your Health W/ Tim Gray #214

        • The LifeStylist. (At 47 minutes: Proteolytic Enzymes break proteins down into peptides and then down into amino acids. Amino acids are fundamental building blocks for our body and without them we don’t repair. If we have pancreas problems, don’t chew our food properly, eat processed foods low in enzymes, have mercury fillings, and more then we won’t have the enzymes to break down the food we’re eating (especially the protein, into the amino acids) so the body won’t heal properly. By adding proteolytic enzymes -1 a day and up to 4 - increases mental clarity as good as being on hyperbaric oxygen therapy and on ketogenic diet, fueling the body. Healing can speed up significantly. Because of the enzymes, people are deficient in specific enzymes so it can actually reverse grey hair. Proteolytic enzymes when taken systemically on an empty stomach means that it goes to work in all the nooks and crannies systematically throughout your body. When you take them with food it breaks down the food that you’ve got in your gut. Taking them you do not need to hydrate as much, getting the minerals and nutrients from food better, mental clarity and energy is up.

          • BiOptimizers’ MassZymes is a full-spectrum enzyme formula.

          • Another option is Dr.’s Best.

  • Systemic Enzymes to eliminate scar tissue, food sensitivities, thyroid antibodies, joint pain, and inflammation in general:

    When you take them with food it they digest the food. When you take them on an empty stomach they digest the parts of you that you don’t want. 

    When you take very high doses they break up scar tissue from the body. All the muscle adhesions where your fascia gets adhered to things, those break up.  

    You might think that’s a good thing, and it probably is but it’s also a bad thing because if you have an adhesion in your movement pattern it’s there to protect you from something and if you don’t correct the movement pattern with functional movement and you break up the adhesion, you end up with a less stable system. 

    • Standard Dosing: 3 - 6 on an empty stomach three times a day. 

    • For breaking up scar tissue, etc: 5 -10 on an empty stomach 3x a day.  

    • Source: Bulletproof Radio with author Izabella Wentz of best selling books Hashimoto’s Food Pharmacology: Nutrition Protocols and Healing Recipes to Take Charge of Your Thyroid Health. 

  • Genius Foods For High Performance and Happiness, Max Lugavere Book and podcast on The Lifestylist podcast or youtube, episode #163

  • I absolutely love this Medicine Stories podcast about Healing Herbal Oils: How to Make and Use Them with Kami McBride.

    Herbal Books and Websites:

  • Anything by herbalist Michael Moore; Rosemary Gladstar’s Family Herbal; Anything written by David Winston; Botanical Medicine for Women’s Health by Aviva Romm, MD.

  • American Herbalist Guild

  • American Botanical Council

  • United Plant Savers

    Excellent Resources for Detoxing from Toxic Mold Exposure

    Mold sickness is much more prevalent than you think. Found in 40% of buildings in the U.S. - mold and mycotoxicity (the spores that mold gives off) is an epidemic. All it takes is a pinhole leak and 24 -48 hours for mold to start growing. If it becomes dry that is a stressor to the mold and it may then shoot out mycotoxins or volatile organic compounds of very sticky nanoparticles that can work their way all throughout our body. Due to chemical fungicides, mold has mutated causing it to create toxins that we are not genetically adapted to resist.

    Mycotoxins are also in our food supply: grains (especially corn), nuts (especially peanuts), coffee, chocolate, and wine to name a few.

    Symptoms: Chronic exposure through our respiratory and digestive systems can wreak havoc on our health. Mold sickness may include respiratory issues, post-nasal drip, (clue to this is blowing your nose, clearing your throat, cough), brain fog, fatigue, anxiety, vertigo, ringing in the ears, low immunity, auto-immunity, neuralgias, skin issues, static shocks, and more.

  • Excellent classes from The Southwest Conference on Botanical Medicine:

    • Naturopathic Strategies for Patients with Exposure to Molds and Mycotoxins by Naturopathic Dr. Kenneth Proefrock. “Mold and mycotoxin exposure related to flooding and global weather shifting is definitely on the rise. The presence of toxic indoor molds with accompanying bacterial overgrowth is clearly detrimental to human health. Here we discuss the idea that mold-related illness exists in multiple facets; it is not simply a transient mucosal irritation with increased risk of asthma onset or exacerbation. The varying effects can include neurological symptoms, skin rashes, irritation of the mucous membranes, and long-term exposure can lead to development of multiple chemical sensitivities.”

    • Mycotoxins - The Health Effects of Mold and How To Diagnose and Treat. Molds thrive on moisture and cellulose, both of which are abundant in many homes. This talk reviews where in the home (and how) molds can grow as well as what the mycotoxins do to the body. By Naturopathic Dr. Walter J. Crinnion, director of the Environmental Medicine Center at Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine and associate professor at NCNM and Bastyr University.

    • Books:

      • Toxic - Heal Your Body from Mold Toxicity, Lyme Disease, Multiple Chemical Sensitivities, and Chronic Environmental Illness by Neil Nathan, MD.

      • Break the Mold - 5 Tools to Conquer Mold and Take Back Your Health by Jill Crista, Naturopathic Dr.

      • Is Your Home Killing You?

      • MOLD - The War Within. Win the Battle Against Mold and Chemical Exposures ARm Yourself with Knowledge from Experts in Mold, Health, and Nutrition. (thick with info but solid)


        The statements, remedies, and techniques described herein are for educational purposes only and does not substitute medical care or meant to diagnose, prescribe, or treat any disease.


        I believe that the knowledge of the plants, nutritional, and other health hacks is our right so I share this knowledge of the plants, nutritional, and other health hacks to put the power back into the people’s hands. If you want to use these words then please give appropriate credit. Ask for my permission before reproducing, transforming or building upon the material especially if you want to utilize it for commercial purposes in print or curriculum. Thank you. With Love, Dixie Pauline.